Sunday 21st June-12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Gospel reading of this week  Jesus gives two examples of how much God loves us. He says that God knows everything about us. He has counted every single hair on our heads and knows the exact number! See can you count the hair on your head! Jesus is trying to explain to people that God cares so much for us that he knows us down to the smallest detail. Sparrows are the smallest of birds and Jesus tells us that when a sparrow falls to the ground God knows about it. We are so much more important than sparrows in his eyes so imagine how much he loves us!

One of Jesus’ most famous stories (parables) is the story of the Prodigal Son. Jesus again is trying to tell us that God loves us like a Father and will forgive us anything if we turn back to Him.

Have a look at the story of the Prodigal Son on YouTube and find out how much God loves you!

Have a listen to the song  about how God knows everything about us and loves us.

And here’s another song you might like.

Here’s a fun activity sheet to complete and a picture to colour.