Naas Parish Pastoral Council

Celine Maguire
c/o Parish Office
Phone: 045 879730


Naas Parish Pastoral Council 2019-2022

Pictured Rear Left to Right: Rachel Butterworth, John Leamy, Joe Keane, Rory Kilduff (Public Relations Officer), Edward McDermott, Noel Power, Kevork Gergees, Renato Tia, Teresa Tia

Pictured Front Left to Right: Fiona Shirran (Secretary), Celine Maguire (Vice-Chairperson), Grace Keevans (Chairperson), Fr. Liam Morgan (Parish Priest), Hilda Campbell (Pastoral Admin. Assistant), Mary Ennis

Absent from Photo: Linda McHivga, Donie Conway, Simone Doorley

Mission Statement

We the PPC of Naas Parish, guided by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the love of Jesus, will serve all in our Parish Community so that together we will grow in faith as a Parish Family where all are welcomed and have a sense of belonging