A member of the family might light a candle (or Advent Wreath). As we get closer to Christmas, this prayer
could begin with a decade of the Rosary, The Third Mystery of Light: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
Loving God, as your light grows in the dark of winter, bring its strength and its hope to all people.
All: Come, Lord Jesus.
Just as you sent the star of Bethlehem to lead the way to your Son, guide us as a family to follow your ways
of kindness, peace and justice.
All: Come, Lord Jesus.
As we remember the journey of Mary and Joseph, may the Holy Family be a source of courage for our family, helping us to reach out in friendship and love to those in need.
All: Come, Lord Jesus.
Help us to see in the Jesus we welcome this Christmas, the one
who came to bring an end to all divisions.
All: Come, Lord Jesus.
Our Father…
And may the Lord bring us peace and ease any worry; bless us
and keep us safe this night and always.
All: Amen