Every aspect of the World Meeting of Families Pastoral Congress and the Papal Visit was thoroughly enjoyable. I‟m already meeting people who watched the Festival of Families in Croke Park and are now saying “I only wish I had been there”. Those of us who were privileged to be there at some elements of the Congress or some aspects of Pope Francis‟ visit were at something we will never forget in our lifetime.
It will take time for us all to unpack the message of the Papal Visit. Pope Francis‟ very moving apology to victims of all abuse during Sunday‟s Penitential Rite was a profound moment. As was the candour and sincere address of An Taoiseach at Dublin Castle not to mention the very moving visit of Pope Francis to the Capuchin Day Centre on Church Street affirming Br. Kevin and the work of his many volunteers.
I simply want to sincerely thank the many people across Kildare & Leighlin who in any way contributed to the success of these past memorable days. I think especially of our priests, our parish secretaries, our youth volunteers, our team at Bishop‟s House and Faith Development Services, our choir members, our WMOF volunteers and our pilgrims who travelled from every corner of the diocese to the World Meeting of Families and Papal events.
Every blessing & thanks,
Bishop Denis
Reflections on a wonderful World Meeting of Families
Published on September 1, 2018